Actually Yan Jinyu and Yan Yueyin have this idea, even if they feel a little were inferior, although they are also a beautiful woman of Yan Qing side.
Qing Shui said the situation, 7th princess thinks saying: „I perform the biggest strength to help you look, will have the news to inform you immediately.”
Qing Shui smiles, indifferent, he has not been serious, but sends to be the same at will, but better to be seen by 7th princess, as if is a little at heart uncomfortable, but with a smile said: „You could rest assured that I will certainly help you find, I will look for Crown Princess, making her help you look.”
Qing Shui hears Crown Princess not to have what feeling, but other people as if surprised looks at 7th princess.
„Crown Princess is so busy, we help Qing Shui look with every effort!” 5th princess thinks to say.
„I have the discretion!” 7th princess shakes the head to say.
„Can Crown Princess as if really help me find?” Qing Shui looks at people astonished asking.
„Crown Princess is called the Great Yu Dynasty first talent, now in Secret School is one of the youngest master, the fable her ability and energy are huge, sometimes even present Great Yu Dynasty must rely upon some of her existences.” Yan Yangchi saying gently.
Also is Secret School, Qing Shui discovered that now Secret School is very formidable, currently has the idea to enter Secret School, had status to look for Di Chen.
„Does not know that what condition enters Secret School to need?” Qing Shui thinks to ask.
„The Secret School not foreign hiring, is Secret School Elite disciple makes the great contribution, can have a quota after generally, moreover is Secret School master can every year lead a person, but this person must after the test, only then tested could be true joining Secret School qualified, I was not clear as for other ways.” Yan Jinyu spoke at this time.
Qing Shui has not thought that joins Secret School unexpectedly this, it seems like wants to join Secret School is not that simple, now first unfolds the blacksmith, is really not good teaches some apprentices, then makes them open own blacksmith's shop in each place, but the name must be Flame Cloud Blacksmith Shop.
Chain-like, Qing Shui shakes the head, Hu Xiang a meeting, everybody has gone to drink to chat, then naturally talks about some relaxed topics, Yan Family this victory is worth congratulating.
„Comes, these time is lucky to have Qing Shui, I represent Yan Family thank you.”
Other Yan Yangchi saying people raised glass, Qing Shui was not good to decline: „Drinks, but those words, everybody is the brothers should not be so polite, my friend are not many, here were less, therefore I treasure very much.”
„We also very much treasure you to look for brothers!”
„Was right, I and simple and elegant decision will get married next month!” The liquor drinks to 50% time Yan Yangchi said with a smile.