The main opportunities for short-term tourism development are natural and cultural resources: resorts, areas of particular beauty, areas that provide opportunity for winter sports, historical centers etc. Thus, for a better exploitation of opportunities a essential transformation in locations with tourist potential an tourism products is needed; developing a solid market, able to promote them, and the creation and development of an infrastructure of roads, connected to the national network of transport (road, rail, air) to ensure easy accessibility to tourist areas is crucial. At the same time, it is particularly important to preserve what remains of cultural heritage of different regions of the country, severely hit in recent decades:
historical buildings, monuments, museums, theaters, art. These cultural preservation initiatives proposed by local authorities, will be supported by a consistent territorial planning for preserving (and where possible restoring) adjacent historical areas of towns and villages, maintaining traditional architectural styles and conserving medieval historical areas. Tourism activity creates demand for a wide range of goods and services purchased by tourists and their travel companies, including goods and services provided by other economic sectors (construction, food industry, small industry and handicraft). Family associations and micro-enterprises can produce and sell goods (handicraft, souvenirs) and services (guidance, folk performances) or principal activity or as additional activities using raw materials and local labor force, thereby increasing employment opportunities locally.