During the process of purchasing your new Ducati, did the salesperson / dealer staff
Describe the features of the bike? Yes No
Take down your personal data so they could stay in contact?
Yes No
Offer you the chance to test ride the bike you were interested in?
Yes, you tried it out
Yes, but you weren't interested
No, you were interested but the bike wasn't available
No, the chance wasn't offered to you
Offer to part exchange your used bike?
You had no bike to trade in
Yes, they part exchanged it
Yes, but you decided not to
No, they refused a part exchange
Offer you finance?
Yes, you took advantage of it to buy the bike
Yes, but you were not interested in financing
No, but you were not interested
No, you were not offered any financing
Introduce you to the workshop staff?
Yes No
Show you the range of Ducati accessories for your bike?
Yes No
Show you the range of Ducati clothing?
Yes No
Give you their contact details (tel. no., email) for future contact?
Yes No
Speak to you about the world of Ducati? (website, events, initiatives…)
Yes No
Give you printed information (brochures, catalogues)?
Yes No
Comply with the agreed delivery time of the bike?
Yes No
Deliver the bike in perfect condition?
Yes No
Deliver the bike with the fuel warning light off?
Yes No
Explain the functions of the bike?
Yes No
Explain the warranty conditions?
Yes No
Explain the maintenance programme?
Yes No
Contact you after the bike was delivered to check that everything was ok?
Yes No
Arrange the first service?
Yes No