Purpose of review
The World Allergy Organization (WAO) Guidelines for the assessment and management of anaphylaxis
published in early 2011 provide a global perspective on patient risk factors, triggers, clinical diagnosis,
treatment, and prevention of anaphylaxis. In this 2012 Update, subsequently published, clinically relevant
research in these areas is reviewed.
Recent findings
Patient risk factors and co-factors that amplify anaphylaxis have been documented in prospective studies.
The global perspective on the triggers of anaphylaxis has expanded. The clinical criteria for the diagnosis
of anaphylaxis that are promulgated in the Guidelines have been validated. Some aspects of anaphylaxis
treatment have been prospectively studied. Novel investigations of self-injectable epinephrine for treatment
of anaphylaxis recurrences in the community have been performed. Progress has been made with regard to
measurement of specific IgE to allergen components (component-resolved testing) that might help to
distinguish clinical risk of future anaphylactic episodes to an allergen from asymptomatic sensitization to the
allergen. New strategies for immune modulation to prevent food-induced anaphylaxis and new insights into
subcutaneous immunotherapy to prevent venom-induced anaphylaxis have been described.
Research highlighted in this Update strengthens the evidence-based recommendations for assessment,
management, and prevention of anaphylaxis made in the WAO Anaphylaxis Guidelines.
clinical diagnosis of anaphylaxis, epinephrine (adrenaline) in first-