The tagging process can be accelertedby having
two injectors so that one person loads tags while
another person injects the tags.
2.2.4 AutoFish System
NMT’s AutoFish System is a self-contained
mobile unit for handling very large numbers of
juvenile salmonids (Figure 10). This system can
accomplish any combination of sorting, clipping
and tagging with CWT. It incorporates MKIV
Tag Injectors and accomplishes adipose fin
clipping and/or injecting CWT without the fish
being anesthetized, dewatered, or touched by
hand. It can process over 60,000 fish in 8 hours,
and can handle fish from 57 mm to 142 mm.
These systems are in use on the US Pacific
Coast and in the Great Lakes region and are
restricted to North America. Deployment of this
system is viable where several million fish are to
be marked and tagged annually.