The Joumal of Neurollngulstlcs is an International, Interdisciplinary
journal for the free exchange of scholastic ideas on the study of the
interface of the Language Sciences and Neurosciences (In particular,
Neurology and Neuropsychiatry). It provides a forum for the
enhancement of knowledge and study of brain function In language
behavior, experience and evolution of language and the brain, and
accepts contributions that deal with such areas of specialization as
Agrammatism, Language Disorders in Aphasias, Dementia and
Language Disorders, Epilepsy and Language Disorders, Language
Impairment in Parkinsonian Dementia, Language Disorders in
Schizophrenia, Dementia In Modem Society, Deep Dyslexia and
Acquired Dyslexia, or Sign Language in the Brain: that Is, manuscripts
pertaining to all aspects of cognitive functions In the brain that are
relatable to language (and sign language) behavior, be they
concerned with normal behavior or specific to
The Joumal of Neurollngulstlcs is an International, Interdisciplinaryjournal for the free exchange of scholastic ideas on the study of theinterface of the Language Sciences and Neurosciences (In particular,Neurology and Neuropsychiatry). It provides a forum for theenhancement of knowledge and study of brain function In languagebehavior, experience and evolution of language and the brain, andaccepts contributions that deal with such areas of specialization asAgrammatism, Language Disorders in Aphasias, Dementia andLanguage Disorders, Epilepsy and Language Disorders, LanguageImpairment in Parkinsonian Dementia, Language Disorders inSchizophrenia, Dementia In Modem Society, Deep Dyslexia andAcquired Dyslexia, or Sign Language in the Brain: that Is, manuscriptspertaining to all aspects of cognitive functions In the brain that arerelatable to language (and sign language) behavior, be theyconcerned with normal behavior or specific to
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