R e s e a r c h a n d
d e v elo p m e n t
Continuous professional develop- ment differed between the munici- palities, as well as between the indi- vidual RNs, and their competence to take responsibility and perform their working tasks varied. The formal education to become an RN for most of them lay many years back, and the RNs mainly relied on their long professional experience. Lack of support from the managers for further education was mentioned as a problem. Their absorption of new research results varied from regular searches in scientific databases and nursing magazines, to Google and the daily newspaper. The inter- viewed RNs were not involved in any ongoing research project. I: ‘Where did you learn staff education?’
RN: ‘Through my profession, through my professional knowledge, through my expe- rience and I have read a lot.’ I: ‘What have you read, then?’ RN: ‘I try to keep myself updated, of course. Computer and internet are good. Different books.’ RN: ‘We do not get that direct contin- uous professional education.’