There is limited research that investigates the relationship between computer use and musculoskeletal discomfort in children. The prevalence of MSDs in adults related to computer use has been reported to be as high as 76% [7]. There
is moderate evidence to suggest that children are likely to experience similar prevalence and severity rates as adult computer users [3]. Some researchers suggest children may be at greater risk than adults because of the early age at which many children begin to use computers [8] and because computer sand computer furniture are not the correct size for children, as they are designed for adults [4]. Jacobs and Baker [9] investigated the association between children’s computer use and musculoskeletal discomfort and found that almost half of the 6th
grade students in the study had experienced some musculoskeletal discomfort in at least one body part, with the most common areas of moderate to severe discomfort being the neck, back and shoulders.