Draft Preparedness and Response Competencies
1. Risk and Communication
2. Preparedness Improvement (or Prevention, Protection, and Response Improvement)
3. Incident Management System
4. Surveillance and Detection
5. Leadership
6. Collaboration, Connectivity, and Community Relations
7. Decision Making and Prioritizing
8. Public Health Legal Authority
9. Responsibility and Ethical Conduct
10. Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk Assessment
Draft Core Competencies
1. Communication and coordination
Engages with stakeholders (Example partners, public) to facilitate two-way communication and provide information, nature, and/or severity of risks and hazards affecting health, safety, and the environment.
2. Preparedness Improvement (or Prevention, Protection, and Response Improvement)
Participates in the preparedness cycle of planning, training, equipping, exercising, and evaluating in order to correct and improve the organization’s operational capabilities(Local government). Enhances the community’s ability to support prevention, protection, response, and recovery efforts.
3. Management (ICS-Incident Command System)
Functional in accordance with the National Response Framework and in the context of the agency’s response to public health emergencies.
4. Surveillance and Detection
Conducts systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health information and data (Example environmental monitoring) to achieve early warning of health threats, early detection of health events, and overall situational awareness to guide and inform countermeasures in a disaster or public health emergency.
5. Leadership
Select and implement prevention, monitoring, and control measures.
6. Collaboration, Connectivity, and Community Relations
Utilizes a network of traditional and non-traditional partners to identify and pursue preparedness and response goals.
7. Decision Making and Prioritizing
Makes timely decisions in conditions of high uncertainty. Determines priorities, anticipates consequences, and takes action.
8. Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Acts in accordance with the organization’s ethical priorities, standards, and guidance during emergency situations and ensures the continuity of operations.
9. Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk Assessment
Assesses hazards and vulnerabilities that put the public at risk; devotes scarce resources in order to prevent, protect, and respond.