TIP: If you decide to bid for several celebrities in the same year, make use of the “Spending Cap” and “Priority
Rankings” features that allow you to put a cap on the combined annual cost of all the bids submitted and establish the
priority in which you would like each bid to be considered. The spending cap gives you and your co-managers the
luxury of being able to bid aggressively for the services of all the celebrities up for contract (that is, submit bids that you
believe stand a good chance of being high enough to win) yet, at the same time, avoid the risk of being the high bidder
on all bids submitted and perhaps getting stuck with having to pay a lot more for celebrity endorsers than you really
wanted to. The advantage of indicating priorities and imposing a total spending cap on submitted bids is that once the
annual cost of your company's winning bids reaches the cap you set, all lower-priority bids are withdrawn. Utilizing the
spending cap/priority ranking procedure allows you to bid for all the celebrities in amounts you believe are high enough
to win and still control your costs for celebrity endorsements. It is common for the bidding for celebrities to be quite
lively, thus driving up the price it takes to be a winning bidder. When such is the case, you run the risk of unwanted (and
perhaps unaffordable) spending for celebrity endorsements should you prove to be the high bidder on several contracts.
TIP: If you decide to bid for several celebrities in the same year, make use of the “Spending Cap” and “PriorityRankings” features that allow you to put a cap on the combined annual cost of all the bids submitted and establish thepriority in which you would like each bid to be considered. The spending cap gives you and your co-managers theluxury of being able to bid aggressively for the services of all the celebrities up for contract (that is, submit bids that youbelieve stand a good chance of being high enough to win) yet, at the same time, avoid the risk of being the high bidderon all bids submitted and perhaps getting stuck with having to pay a lot more for celebrity endorsers than you reallywanted to. The advantage of indicating priorities and imposing a total spending cap on submitted bids is that once theannual cost of your company's winning bids reaches the cap you set, all lower-priority bids are withdrawn. Utilizing thespending cap/priority ranking procedure allows you to bid for all the celebrities in amounts you believe are high enoughto win and still control your costs for celebrity endorsements. It is common for the bidding for celebrities to be quitelively, thus driving up the price it takes to be a winning bidder. When such is the case, you run the risk of unwanted (andperhaps unaffordable) spending for celebrity endorsements should you prove to be the high bidder on several contracts.
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