2.3. Analysis of physicochemical attributes
2.3.1. Color analysis A Hunter Labscan XE colorimeter was used to analyze the color
of the samples. The colorimeter was standardized using white and P. Khandpur, P.R. Gogate / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 27 (2015) 87–95 89 black tiles. A black cover cup was placed over the sample and the CIELAB L⁄, a⁄ and b⁄ values were measured. 5 mL of juice was weighed and placed in a hexagonal plastic container. The samples were analyzed for L⁄, a⁄, and b⁄ values where L⁄ is the luminosity of the sample in terms of whiteness or brightness/darkness, a⁄ refers to the redness or greenness and b⁄ refers to the yellowness or blueness.