GM Supplier Information Questionary
Supplier Code/Duns:
Company Name:
Or Province/Postcode/Country
Unique Pickup Address Yes /No If no, pls specify the 2nd pick-up address and duns related:
Phone Number:
Normal/ Optimal Dock Hours Incoterms
Which GM Region you ship to: GM Europe GM SA GM NA GM Intra-Asia
How do you receive your shipping requirements from GM? EDI compliance /other
Do you currently send ASN’s to GM? Yes /No If No, Reason
When is your regular pickup schedule for Console mode?
DELJIT Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
If not in DELJIT week, Reason
Are you a dangerous goods material shipper? Yes /No If Yes what is the description and class
Is there any special equipment or loading instructions? Yes /No If Yes what
Are there any Access Restriction? (Access of container / vehicle into supplier facility) Yes /No
If Yes what
Do you have the facilities for loading directly into an ocean container? 20’ Yes /No 40'(GP/HQ) Yes /No
Do you comply with GM’s Expendable Packaging Requirements – GM 1738? Yes /No
Do you comply with GM’s labelling requirements- GM 1724? Yes /No
Where are your Export Customs Locations:
* Important for GM Brazil Suppliers*
Do you ship any cargos which request Import License? No Yes If Yes, pls indicate part number:
Do you ship any woodern package? No Yes If yes, What is the category?
Processed Treated or Certificated Not Treated or Not Certificated
In case of any treated or certificated wooken package, can you hand over international original phytosanitary certification to DHL local office?
Yes No
Points of Contact: Required information
Shipping Manager e-mail
Telephone Number: Fax Number:
Alternative contact e-mail
Telephone Number: Fax Number:
EDI contact e-mail
Telephone Number: Fax Number:
After hours contact e-mail
Telephone Number: Fax Number:
GM Supplier Information Questionary
Supplier Code/Duns:
Company Name:
Or Province/Postcode/Country
Unique Pickup Address Yes /No If no, pls specify the 2nd pick-up address and duns related:
Phone Number:
Normal/ Optimal Dock Hours Incoterms
Once complete, please email it back to AP RCT:
Once we’ve received this file, we will add you to our system and transportation network and start working together from that date.
Any subsequent changes to your Supplier Company Information should also be emailed / faxed to the above contacts, to be able to
keep your profile up to date.