Albanian law generally does not establish performance requirements or detailed incentives for foreign
investors. Legal incentives include:
• Equal treatment of foreign and domestic investors;
• Full profit and dividend repatriation (after taxation);
• Funds from the liquidation of a company may be repatriated;
• Bilateral agreements on the promotion and protection of reciprocal investments.
One important exception concerning performance requirements is the investment requirement relating
to the purchase of commercial property by foreigners. Such a purchase can be made only if the investor
plans to improve the value of the property by three times the purchase price. Some foreign firms
operating in Albania have also complained that capital goods and raw materials, on occasion, have been
subjected to the same taxes as consumer goods.
Planning for water quality improvement, especially where capital investment is substantial, must
therefore reflect regional planning goals concerning economic development and demographic character,
such as impacts of urban sprawl and (re)development.
Although no single unit of Albanian government has all the necessary power to implement the Three
Rivers Comprehensive Watershed Assessment and Response Plan (CWARP) recommended and
discussed in (Studies & Center of Economic CESS, 2001; 2009), it is desirable to have some mechanism
to facilitate continued oversight of regional progress (or lack thereof) toward clean water and its
relationships to other regional goals and activities, and to help realize the benefits of cooperation.
Lack of access to land and the ongoing process of fragmentation of family holdings have led to
widespread poverty, prompting out migration. To meet these daunting challenges, the canton
democratized its planning and management procedures.
This process allowed the canton to build consensus, prepare a development plan, allocate municipal
funds equitably leverage additional resources and improve infrastructure and living conditions. The
participatory municipal management improve infrastructure and living conditions. The participatory
municipal management process was institutionalizes ensuring representation of women and marginalizes