Operational usefulness and effectiveness of the tool was evaluated during the
second phase. Participants filled out the SBAR checklist based on the information they
were given on seven patients created by the EBP project team that were blended in with
all the simulated patients who were transported on the AE mission. Two evaluators on
the EBP project team matched participants’ data points with a master generated by the
EBP project team (Appendix E). Again, the number annotated in each block of Tables 15
through 17 represents the number of EBP team evaluators in agreement when comparing
the participant’s SBAR tool to the master SBAR. The tool was modified based on the
feedback obtained from the questionnaires. The results were presented to HQ AMC, and
the checklist was approved for implementation into the worldwide military AE system.
Follow-up reinforcement will be conducted through change champions who are available
to answer questions, explain unclear processes, and evaluate the change process
(Larrabee, 2009).