2.0 Introduction
This guide was prepared for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The MEP was created to help manufacturingbased
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) improve their business conditions.
Traditionally, MEP consultants have helped many manufacturing companies successfully
implement operational-based efficiency programs, such as lean manufacturing. However, it is
becoming clear that such programs only provide SMEs with “table stakes” to get into the
competitive game. As more and more companies gain requisite knowledge of lean
manufacturing, the focus on competition will shift from cost reduction to revenue enhancement,
mainly by offering new and existing customers new products and services that can generate
higher profit margins. SMEs will need assistance in implementing the type of change necessary
to make this shift. Introducing new cross-functional product development teams is a start, but
they will not be introduced successfully unless accompanied by major organizational and
cultural-based change, which is perhaps the most challenging type of change to implement.