Rearing and husbandry
Studies conducted by the ICAR’s
Tripura centre showed that managing
Indian butter catfi sh in captivity is not
diffi cult. The fi sh is fairly peaceful and
shy for its size during the day and
so should be provided with plenty of
hiding places in the form of driftwood,
PVC pipes, or other material suitable
as shelter, although it will eat any
smaller fi sh it can fi t into its mouth. The
fi sh have razor sharp vomerine teeth
in two patches which are absolutely
harmless to human beings. It is a hardy
fi sh and tolerates varying water quality
conditions. Fingerlings respond well to
water with pH of 6.0-8.0, low or medium
hardness (4-28 dh) and temperatures
of 20-26°C. The preferable depth in
growout ponds is 2 metres. The fi sh can
attain a maximum length of 450 mm.
This being one of the larger species of
catfi sh; it is not recommended to grow
these along with comparatively smaller
sized fi shes as they will most likely be
eaten. It is desirable to provide some
suitably-sized hiding places in the
pond concerned. Being a messy eater,
aeration or water exchange is must as
this fi sh leaves a lot of waste.