Let’s take a real world example of this. Before, I would ride the jeepney to get to the studio to hangout and jam with my friends, from where I can get a jeepney all the way to where I get off is about 4Km, according to Google Maps, which said it was a 9 minute ride, but really it’s more like 30 minutes. I pay P8 for the jeepney, which is standard, but if I were to take a taxi there, I estimate it to be about P93, which I think is right because I’ve taken the taxi home a few times, and it would be about P100, but assuming I get off where I got onto the jeepney (instead all the way to my house), it would be about P93, but then since one of the perks of using a taxi is getting to exactly where you want to go, I’ll consider the fare to be P100. That’s a very substantial difference there, P8 compared to P100. Another benefit of taking the jeepney is exercise, all that walking to where you need to go and climbing onto the jeep, is good for you.