Dear K. Sonu,
We would like to confirm our required documents for opposition as follows:
1. For copied of commercial invoices, please provide us with invoices dated before 26 December 2014 up to present as much as possible.
- At this moment, we receive invoice dated 16 January 2014 and will be waiting for the rest of the documents.
2. For sales volume from the past up to present, we will be waiting for your information.
3. For brochures, catalogues and leaflets, please provide us with the documents from the past up to present.
- We will be waiting for the leaflets for promoting Double A in India. However, we are not sure whether the distributors that you are dealing with, have presented the catalogues of Double A when they started offering our products to customers or not. If there is any such catalogues, please also provide us with further documents.
4. For photos of products being sold, since T&G request the details of each photo (i.e., shop name, photography location and date which the photo was taken), please therefore provide clear photos with details mentioned above.
5. For advertisements on TV, newspaper and magazines, we noted that there is no information for media promotion.
6. For proof of popularity of “Double A” products, we consider that the Certificate of Distributorship can be the one for supporting Double A popularity in India. If there is any same document please provide us accordingly.
7. For received awards, we noted that there is no document.
Sorry for the late confirmation but please provide all the aforesaid documents within 17 June 2016 for our further proceeding and submission of all evidence to T&G for timely opposition.