of knowledge work
The force of automation that has been felt in production work such as automotive
Assembly and transaction work such as dispensing cash in a bank or booking
Travel tickets is now beginning to be felt in types of knowledge work that were
Not previously possible or practical to hand over to machines. This has enormous
Implications for augmenting the capabilities of so-called interaction workers
( Professionals, managers, and administrative support staff ). Who of the represent
the most expensive and high-impact employees in an organization. Knowledge
Work automation is made possible by advances in big data analytics, machine
Learning, and natural user interfaces (for example, the ability of a computer to
Interpret instructions in natural human language). Combined with unprecedented
computing power and connectivity.
Knowledge work automation has the potential to affect more than 230 million
Knowledge work around the world and nearly ฿9 trillion in employment
costs. This presents huge opportunities as well as challenges to leaders across
business , society ,and government and across multiple of the economy
Automation of knowledge workThe force of automation that has been felt in production work such as automotiveAssembly and transaction work such as dispensing cash in a bank or bookingTravel tickets is now beginning to be felt in types of knowledge work that wereNot previously possible or practical to hand over to machines. This has enormous Implications for augmenting the capabilities of so-called interaction workers ( Professionals, managers, and administrative support staff ). Who of the represent the most expensive and high-impact employees in an organization. KnowledgeWork automation is made possible by advances in big data analytics, machineLearning, and natural user interfaces (for example, the ability of a computer toInterpret instructions in natural human language). Combined with unprecedentedcomputing power and connectivity.Knowledge work automation has the potential to affect more than 230 millionKnowledge work around the world and nearly ฿9 trillion in employmentcosts. This presents huge opportunities as well as challenges to leaders acrossbusiness , society ,and government and across multiple of the economy
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