Fig. 11 shows the PER performances of the total and partial invadings between 40 and 80 MHz senders. Recall that the one with larger bandwidth invades smaller one in total
invading, and vice versa in partial invading. Here, dark (red) and gray (green) colors represent the PERs of 1 and 0,respectively. In Figs. 11a and 11b, the invader is located at 25;0 and 40;0, respectively. The sender of the victim pair is located at the origin while its receiver spans the transmission range of the sender. It can be seen that the maximum transmission distance of 80 MHz one is shorter than that of 40 MHz one. The average PERs in the total and partial invadings are 83 and 32 percent, respectively. This shows that using wider bandwidth results in lower PER due to the reduced transmission range