You’ve just had an anti-aging treatment, so your face looks youthful. In 2035, many people your age could live to be 150, so at 60, you’re not old at all.
Science has also found amazing ways to keep people healthy. There are nanotechnology treatments for many illnesses, including cancer. And if any part of your body is not healthy, you can “grow” a new one in a laboratory.
As you get dressed, you say to your shirt, “Turn red.” It becomes red. In 2035, “smart clothes” contain nanoparticles that carry electricity. So you can program clothes to change colors or patterns.
On the way to the kitchen, you want to call a friend. Your cell phone is by the window because the material it’s made of takes in energy from the sun. But you don’t need to pick up the phone. You can just touch your jacket sleeve to make the call.
These are just some examples of nanotechnology all around you. “You whole body and surroundings [will] become part of the same network,” says scientist Ampy Buchholz.
It’s breakfast time. You reach for the milk, but a voice says, “Don’t drink that!” Your fridge is reading a computer chip on the milk. Every item from the grocery has a chip. Your fridge knows the milk is old, and tells the store you need new milk.
Finally, it’s time to go to work. In 2035, cars drive themselves. Just tell your “smart car” where to go, and soon you will be there.
So, will all these pre dictions come true? Perhaps the future is much closer than we think.