3.6. Robotics
AR is an ideal platform for human-robot collaboration
[44]. Medical robotics and image guided surgery based AR
was discussed in [45]. Predictive displays for telerobotics
were designed based on AR [46]. Remote manipulation of using
AR for robot was researched in [47]. Robots can present
complex information by using AR technique for communicating
information to humans [48]. AR technique was described
for robot development and experimentation in [49]. In [50],
authors describe the way to combine AR technique with surgical
robot system for head-surgery. An AR approach was
proposed to visualizing robot input, output and state information
[51]. Using AR tools for the teleoperation of robotic
systems was described in [52]. It was developed how to improve
robotic operator performance using AR in [53]. It was
explored for AR technique to improve immersive robot programming
in unknown environments in [54]. Robot gaming
and learning based AR were approached in [55]. 3D AR display
during robot assisted Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy
(LPN) was studied in [56].