Tomato is one of the most important vegetable crops,
especially in the Indian subcontinent where the diet is
predominantly vegetarian in nature. Tomato is extensively
damaged by the lepidopteran insect Helicoverpa
armigera Hubner, also called tomato fruit borer (Atwal,
1986). The adults lay eggs on the leaves and #ower buds.
The larvae upon hatching, bore into the developing fruits
causing severe damage and thereby reducing the marketable
yield. In the present study, we transformed tomato
plants using a synthetic cry1Ac gene, highly speci"c to
H. armigera (Chakrabarti et al., 1998). The leaves and
fruits of transgenic tomato plants were demonstrated to
be highly resistant to the larvae of H. armigera
Tomato is one of the most important vegetable crops,especially in the Indian subcontinent where the diet ispredominantly vegetarian in nature. Tomato is extensivelydamaged by the lepidopteran insect Helicoverpaarmigera Hubner, also called tomato fruit borer (Atwal,1986). The adults lay eggs on the leaves and #ower buds.The larvae upon hatching, bore into the developing fruitscausing severe damage and thereby reducing the marketableyield. In the present study, we transformed tomatoplants using a synthetic cry1Ac gene, highly speci"c toH. armigera (Chakrabarti et al., 1998). The leaves andfruits of transgenic tomato plants were demonstrated tobe highly resistant to the larvae of H. armigera
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