All experiments were performed in pots, 30 cm diameter, filled with unsterilized natural soil. Uninoculated or inoculated soil with F.oxysporum-1, at a rate of 10-ml homogenized culture per pot, were prepared one day before planting. Two treatments were performed: firstly, in which tomato seeds were pre-soaked in culture broth of LAB, resultant seedlings were placed in pots uninoculated or inoculated with Fusarium, without supplementation of soil with LAB (seed treatment). Secondly, where non-soaked seeds were used, seedlings were also placed in pots in absence and presence of Fusarium with supplementation of soil with LAB, at a rate of 10-ml culture broth per pot (soil drench). All experiments and controls were replicated three times. Plants were drenching at intervals and grown for another 45 days. In vivo tests were performed during 3-months, from April up to June, where the atmospheric temperature ranged from 25 - 38oC.