.06.2015PH Promotion with 18% Mavro Interest
Dear all participant,
Please take note that current GH and PH is at 20 days and we would like to let all participant know that the system is healthy. Other countries experience longer GH compare to us. CRO would like to inform all participant that the system is stable as we are monitoring it very closely.
The reason of the slow down is cause by demand and supply factor. We have make a notice to members of neighbouring country that does not adhere to Thailand rules and regulations. We have taken few precaution step to make sure this do not happen again, the steps taken are only qualify managers are eligible and prevention of cancelling of PH after 10 days. This will lead to unscrupulous manager from neighbouring country to leave Thailand and leaving only those who are really keen to build a greater Thailand together.
In order to raise the PH levels and reduce the GH lead-time, the CRO had taken several consideration from many suggestions from Thailand Managers and Leaders. Recently CRO has approved a 2 week 18% Fast Track Promotion. This promotion aim at friends and people who could Provide Help without waiting for 14 days ensuring increase in PH in the system. As this is a golden opportunity for Charitable People to Provide Help (PH) while gaining more Mavro gratification in return. In Thailand alone, CRO has approved increase in constant training activities and leadership camps for managers and members. We had also acknowledged the Central Bangkok Committee are working hard as a unit to do many charities and the CRO especially support them in building a school. As such many of these unscrupulous Managers from neighbouring countries will eventually leave Thailand; thus leaving only those who are permanent serious people contributing to Thailand on long term basis.