Maybe it is hard to believe, but SQL is used everywhere around us. Every application that is manipulating any kind of data needs to store that data somewhere. Whether it’s Big Data or just a table with few simple rows, a government or a small startups, or a big database that spans over multiple servers or a mobile phone that runs its own small database, SQL is ubiquitous.
But what is a SQL? SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and usually is pronounced as “ess-que-el”. SQL is the language of databases, and is specifically built to communicate with databases. SQL is a simple language and is similar to the English language, as commands are structured almost like English sentences. Those sentences are structured like declared statements, thus SQL is also called a declarative language.
While SQL is the database language, you also need to choose a Database Management System to put everything together. In this article we will be talking about MySQL, its uses and relationship with SQL syntax. MySQL was created in 1995 and has become particularly popular for web applications.