K. Putter renewed license expiry 10/3/20 and K. Pariwat renewed license expiry 15/3/16
3. You mentioned in your email below that the Company currently using Agreement for Non-life Insurance Broker, is that mean besides POA, KIT also has the Agreement with the Brokers?
4. On Broker License. Yes, based on the current SUIB directors who hold broker license, both Putter’s and Pariwat’s broker license will be terminated according to the Act. But please check with Putter, whether she just renewed her broker license?
Based on the information given by K. Loh currently the staff who has broker license is as follows, which mean in order to comply with the Act, we need to transfer the staff who has broker license to SUIB and Pariwat who holds the full license cannot act on behalf of SUIB anymore since he works in Asset Insurance, right?
No Name License expiry
1 Manapat Sangrat (admin dept) 5/8/2017
2 Somrak Vimokiet (CC) 5/8/2017
3 Jariya Kemwong (admin dept) 28/8/2019
4 Natrada Satchadharm (Putter) 26/4/2015
5 Jitsmai Jackmetha 1/12/2015
6 Pariwat Khamsakol 13/3/2015
Can you check with K. Loh whether Jitsmai’s license if Full license or not full license and can she take over Pariwat’s work in liaising with OIC?
I understand that according to the Act, SUIB needs to have 5 broker license holders. Out of the 5 license holders, 2 of them must be director of SUIB with Full license. Please correct if it is wrong.
Let’s both of us gather all the information and discuss first before we present it to the Group and KIT management.