The findings of this study suggest several implications for human resource practitioners.
These results indicate that organizational empowerment of employees such as providing them
with access to information about the vision of their organization and information about their
assigned jobs and tasks can make their jobs meaningful to them which will ultimately lead to
favorable organizational outcomes. Moreover, the findings also revealed that providing
employees with access to resources would and freedom to utilize these resources would
create a sense of competence on the part of those employees which will ultimately enhance their satisfaction with their jobs and loyalt y to their employing organization. The findings of
this study also suggested that it is not only the visible work conditions at the workplace that
lead to favorable work outcomes; it is also important for human resource practitioners to
take into account their employees' perceptions and interpretations of these immediate
work conditions since different employees tend to perceive their environment differently.
Thus, human resource managers need to pay more attention to the way their subordinates
interpret the organizational climate if they want to achieve competitive advantage for their
The results of the present study indicated that, overall, psychological empowerment full y
mediated the relationship between organizational empowerment and organizational
commitment. This finding can have the implication for human resource managers that in
order to generate employee attachment to their organization, the values of the organization
should be appealing to the employees, employees should be afforded the opportunities
to grow personally and professionall y because when they feel competent to perform their
job, and impact dimensions of psychological empowerment.