Human Soul root nine chief ministers of state, deliver to South Court to go." Gu Zhishi looked at Guan Yu saying that the Human Soul root nine chief ministers of state were not bad, but was not excellent.
Guan Yu looks at the present crystal ball dull, muttered is saying: "This is impossible, definitely is test has the issue, I must measure one time again!"
Hears the Guan Yu words, attended to managing the coldly tunnel: "Test is is impossible has the issue, everyone can only test one time!"
Two teachers got angry to stare Guan Yu one, Guan Yu have only been able to walk absentmindedly, although he has passed, but the Human Soul root nine chief ministers of state, were not any talent absolutely, this made him have to accept after checking unable to bear for a while, because of infancy to maturity, him was in the contemporaries most excellent most has one of the talent.
Sees Guan Yu to come, Nie Li said calmly: "Do not care, although the Soul's Root level builds up certain relations with cultivate, but is not the decisive factor."
Hears the Nie Li words, in the Guan Yu heart hundred taste Chen Za.
"Ha, the Soul's Root level truly is not the decisive factor, you see Mr . Xiao Heaven Soul root Rank 7, doesn't stay in the place assigns the boundary?" Hualing hearty laughter a sound track.
Xiao Yu coldly looks at Hualing: "Your what meaning?"
Sees the Xiao Yu appearance, Hualing is hurried "apology" saying: "Mr . Xiao, is really embarrassed, I a little talked too much for a while. Should not discuss the Soul's Root issue before Mr . Xiao."
Nie Li looked at a Hualing, smiles to say lightly: "The Soul's Root level, truly cannot decide a person future achievement, but has certain relations, if particularly can achieve the Heaven Soul root rank. Can Hualing son once see has the Heaven Soul root person to stay in the place assigns the boundary? So long as has the Heaven Soul root, almost can enter Heavenly Fate Realm assuredly."
"Can that be what kind of? cultivate builds up for several 20 years, then does cultivate build up Heavenly Fate Realm? Speed that cultivate builds up, might as well Human Soul root!" Hualing laughed at one to say.
"Non- not." Nie Li shook the head saying that "the Spirit soul level of Heaven Soul root, is very astonishing degree, but why will the people of some Heaven Soul roots, assign the boundary to stay in the place are very long? Because the Heaven Soul root will derive the essence of world automatically , to promote own Spirit soul level. Can Hualing son know Spirit thing Amethyst Bamboo? Amethyst Bamboo is in the world the extremely rare most precious object, their roots bury in the place bottom, absorbs the world essence unceasingly. Some Amethyst Bamboo bred for several hundred years to emit the ground in the place bottom, when it started to grow, one year can only length several centimeters. Some Amethyst Bamboo have bred several thousand years of even tens of thousands years in the place bottom, when they emerge as the times require, can within one day as long as several meters high, later will also grow at quick the extremely speed."
Hualing look slightly, immediately coldly snort a sound track: "You said makes some sense, how? The theory of Amethyst Bamboo, cannot deduce in the Heaven Soul root completely!"
Nie Li said with a smile lightly: "This is not the deduction, words that does not believe that the powerhouse who you look for the Martial Ancestor rank asks that has the Heaven Soul root talent, if in the place assigns the threshold of boundary and on Heavenly Fate boundary stays for one year, the lifetime can achieve the Heaven's Star boundary surely, stays for two years, can cultivate build up the Heaven's Transformation boundary surely, over three years, can attack the Dragon's Path boundary surely, if stay for five years, can achieve the super talent of Martial Ancestor boundary absolutely! Did Mr . Xiao stay for several years on the threshold?"
"The fifth year." Xiao Yu looks at Nie Li doubtfully, he does not know Nie Li said is really the vacation.
Nie Li looks at Xiao Yu saying: "That congratulates Mr . Xiao, immediately can break through to Heavenly Fate Realm, will break through later cultivate is will progress by leaps and bounds, will not be some mediocre people can compare absolutely."
", Dream of a fool, said really has its matter to be the same, is really laughable, do you see the powerhouse of Martial Ancestor level to be inadequate? Depending on the powerhouse who some of your also qualifications do see the Martial Ancestor level?" Hualing has sneered a sound track, he was said somewhat restlessly by Nie Li, but is not willing to acknowledge what Nie Li said is the fact.
"We when the time comes favored." Nie Li shrugs.
"Nie Li, what you said is real?" Xiao Yu sends greetings inquires Nie Li.
"I rambled on." Nie Li sends greetings to Xiao Yu said that has smiled at heart actually, half real , half fake that actually he said that he can look, the Xiao Yu Spirit