1. Research Results
1.1 The English creative writing ability of the students increased through time and at the end of the semester, the students passed the expected scores (80) at 83.66 out of 100.
1.2 The majority of the students expressed positive (37.56%) and very positive (43.66%) attitudes towards classroom atmosphere after being taught English creative writing through the Melodic Approach.
2. Research Discussions
The results of the research can be discussed as follows:
2.1 The Four-Stepped Melodic Approach & the Creative Writing Ability
The English creative writing ability of the students increased through time and at the end of the semester, the students passed the expected scores (80) at 83.66 out of 100. That the use of music can increase students' creative writing ability
Srinarong compared the creative writing achievement of Prathomsuksa Six students at Kasetsart University by using music as an aid to the convention method. One of the findings revealed that the group that was taught creative writing by using music had higher scores than the one being taught through the conventional method.
2.2. The Melodic Approach & Positive Attitudes towards ClassroomAtmosphere
The students' attitudes towards classroom atmosphere were very positive after they had been taught English creative writing through the Melodic Approach. The research result is relevant to the research on "A Comparison of Creative Writing Achievement of Pratomsuksa Six Students at Kasetsart University by Using Music as an Aid and the Conventional Method" conducted be Srinarong (1985). One of the findings revealed that the students' opinions about using music as an aid was very positive. Teaching English creative writing through the Melodic Approach could increase the students' positive attitudes towards the classroom atmosphere because of the following reasons.
2.3 Other Observations
The students enjoyed the English creative writing through the Melodic Approach and the teaching was successful because of a few other reasons: the supportive classroom climate and the suitable selection of the topics and music & songs.
3. Research Suggestions
From applying the Melodic Approach to enhancement of English creative writing ability and positive attitudes towards classroom atmosphere, the researcher has her suggestions as follows:
3.1. Suggestions for teaching English creative writing through the MelodicApproach
1). The teacher should carefully study how to teach English creative writing
implementation. The teacher should also inform the students about scoring rubrics before implementation, so that the students know what a good creative writing should be like and that they do not have to worry about grammar too much as it's only worth
3). The teacher should plan for sufficient time in each activity because in teaching English creative writing through the Melodic Approach, students need time to trigger their imagination and to write uniquely. If time is insufficient, the teaching will not be effective.
4). The teacher should choose the writing topics that encourage students' imagination and creativity and allow the students to share their creative writing to the class. The best topics are the ones that can be titles of tales and the topics about the students' ideal things.
3.2. Suggestions for further research
1) This experiment should be tried out with the students in other levels.
2) There should be a study on how different kinds of music effect the students' creative writing.
3) There should be a study on different variables besides students' creative writing ability and students' attitudes towards classroom atmosphere after being taught English creative writing through the Melodic Approach, such as the vocabulary knowledge of the students, grammar improvement.
4) There should be a study on applying the Melodic Approach to enhancement of other skills, such as speaking, listening and reading.
5) There should be a study on comparing the differences of applying the
Melodic Approach with and without guided questions in the thinking step.
6) There should be a study on comparing the different effects of using western and Thai music in teaching English creative writing.