5. Conclusion and Recommendations
The current study shows that coffee agroforestry systems have potential to sequester more SOC than coffee monocrop. Robusta coffee agroforestry system with non-fruit trees have better
potential to sequester SOC compared to Arabica coffee agroforestry system with similar tree species. Arabica coffee sequesters more SOC when intercropped with fruit trees such as A. heterophyllus Lam., P. americana Mill. and M. indica L.. Under coffee monocrop, Robusta coffee sequesters more SOC than Arabica coffee. The study recommends that in order to harness soil organic carbon credits farmers ought to be encouraged to practice coffee agroforestry
system that integrates trees compared to coffee monocrops. There is need for policy incentives that encourage the planting and maintenance of shade trees in coffee plantations for the benefit of carbon sequestration. It is therefore our considered opinion that as developing countries prepare themselves to tap from existing global carbon credit schemes such as REDD+, CDM and other voluntary carbon schemes, coffee agroforestry systems should be prioritized as a reliable option of climate mitigation because its benefits are double pronged (contributes directly to household income and carbon sequestration).