Digital Storytelling in the Classroom
How can we build comfortable relationships and incorporate technology in the classroom at the same time? Well, that is where digital storytelling plays a significant role! The children of this advanced era are exposed to all types of technology every day, so why not use it as a tool to help students advance and be creative while learning.
What is digital storytelling? Digital storytelling is simply a story told through the use of technology that brings the story to life. There is use of animation, pictures, personal narration (voice), and/or special songs that contribute to the story. Through this, a student is able to express their creativity, develop communication skills, and it even inspires them to write because the story is meaningful to them. Students popularly love to do two things: 1) share stories, and 2) use technology. Teachers need to know how effective this learning strategy can impact their classrooms.
How does digital storytelling help build relationships in the classroom? One way people can build relationships is by simply telling their story. This type of technique not only helps us connect with each other, but to also express ourselves and who we are. Sharing our stories helps others understand the sacrifices, the struggles, and the lessons we have learned. The story itself has to have meaning; it is not just about sharing a random story, but a story with significant moments. The story could be as simple as telling what your childhood was like or your first pet.
We have been hearing stories ever since we were little kids. We heard stories from our grandparents, our parents, and even our neighbors. Our community shared stories in order for us, as children, to learn lessons about life, morals, values, and beliefs; storytelling shaped us into who we are today. So why not use storytelling in our classrooms to expand the student’s writing skills. Students are hungry for learning. They want to be a part of creative projects and meaningful writing activities. Let’s skip the old worksheet routine and bring the stories to life through media!
Imagine what the environment of our classrooms would look like if our students told stories about themselves, the community, and even their heritage. It would take learning to another level! Storytelling is not just about sharing, but about relationship and creativity building. Storytelling feeds the soul. The story is like the icebreaker in a conversation; it initiates it, but we must work to keep that relationship healthy. Storytelling can unify even the most hostile work environments.
Digital storytelling also helps the students engage both parts of their brains. The left hemisphere of our brain is used for language and meaning, and the right hemisphere is used when we are working creatively. Both are used when creating a digital story because they will write their story in their own language and creatively put it all together in a video.
All in all, digital storytelling is a great way for students to express themselves while using hands-on technology instruments. It not only helps the students tell their stories, but also aids them to get a “jump-start” on writing. It is a great way for teachers to allow students to use writing skills to inspire other types of writing. After all, we are the authors of our own stories.