3.1. Geometry model
By using the finite element method (FEM), the COMSOL Multiphysics
software modeled the quasi–static electric and heat transfer
phenomena through predefined modeling templates (COMSOL,
2005). The geometry of the overall RF heating system is presented
in Fig. 4.
3.2. Sub-domain and boundary condition setting
Regression analysis of mean values of the dielectric properties
of the lasagna components (Tables 2–5) are summarized in Table 6.
The electric conductivity value of the circulation water was set as a
function of temperature according to the measured value by a
model 53 conductivity analyzer (GLI International, Milwaukee,
WI, USA) during a complete 30 min RF heating process expressed
r ¼ ½8:797ðT 65Þ þ 337:14 104ðS=mÞ