Operationalization of the two
Porter and Wiseman do not clearly explain how
to apply their methodologies to elicit IS opportuntities.
Hence, we developed an instrument that
would allow an analyst to apply either one or the
other methodology. This instrument consists of
a questionnaire and support material presenting
concepts and examples designed to help the
analyst in gathering data while conducting
rneetings (this instrument is available from the
authors upon request). It is divided in four parts,
each part corresponding to a different step in the
application process.
The first step is a presentation of the concept of
information systems for competitive advantage
to the top manager and line managers. The
second step is a data-gathering phase where
information is collected on the following topics:
the organization (socio-demographic data); the
information systems department (sociodemographic
data); the firm's strategic planning
mission and objectives, product-market mix and
supplier characteristics, strengths and
weaknesses, and opportunities and environmental
threats; and personal motivations of the
CEO. The third step is the application of the
methodoiogy selected: Wiseman's theory of
strategic thrusts or Porters' value chain.
The grid suggested by Wiseman in Rackoff, et
al. (1985) or the value chain model as presented
in Porter and Millar (1985), is used to generate
opportunities for information systems. First, the
selected methodology is explained and underlying
concepts are clarified. Then, the meeting
is conducted as a brainstorming session, and
participants refrain from assessing or criticizing
ideas generated. In order to stimulate discussion,
the same question is asked for each cell (or
element) in the model: How could information
systems be used for the function X of the value
chain (in the Porter case)? How could information
systems be used in cell X of the grid (in the
Wiseman case)? The last step is an assessment,
by the managers involved, of the information
systems opportunties identified in step 3. This
evaluation is made on the basis of the following
criteria: implementation costs, duration, and implementation