Flour baby project? HELP?!!!!!!!!?
ok so we have to do this project where we have to carry around a sack of flour dressed up as a baby, and act as if it wwas a real baby. i know most schools use actual dolls hat cry when they needs somthing and stuff but i livve in a small town, they couldnt aford those, so they make us use FLOUR babys. they gave us this jurnal where we record the "family activities" and "feeding times" and naps, but its a sack of FLOUR!!!!!!! they also make us take pictures through the process (two weeks) of us having these babys, so that they can make sure we were taking care of it. everytime they see us without our babys, they doc us of 25 points. they also make us phone them at
12:00 am - 2:00 am so they no we are awake for the "midnight feedings".
so we have to do activitys with our "babys" or else they doc points, but i dont no what to do with it!!!!!
oh and by the way, its a girl named selena.
so here are my questions:
1) what things can i do with her (family activitys) without making me bored half to death?! and no dumb ideas like make cupcakes out of her!!!
2) how in the hell do i feed her? it has no damn mouth, just a half smile drawn on with a sharpie!!!!!!
3) do i put her down for naps?
4) i am a VERY heavy sleeper, and i kick, scream, yell, talk, turn, and toss in my sleep, so where should i put selena to sleep while i am sleeping?!
5) how often do i change her diaper?
Flour baby project? HELP?!!!!!!!!?
ok so we have to do this project where we have to carry around a sack of flour dressed up as a baby, and act as if it wwas a real baby. i know most schools use actual dolls hat cry when they needs somthing and stuff but i livve in a small town, they couldnt aford those, so they make us use FLOUR babys. they gave us this jurnal where we record the "family activities" and "feeding times" and naps, but its a sack of FLOUR!!!!!!! they also make us take pictures through the process (two weeks) of us having these babys, so that they can make sure we were taking care of it. everytime they see us without our babys, they doc us of 25 points. they also make us phone them at
12:00 am - 2:00 am so they no we are awake for the "midnight feedings".
so we have to do activitys with our "babys" or else they doc points, but i dont no what to do with it!!!!!
oh and by the way, its a girl named selena.
so here are my questions:
1) what things can i do with her (family activitys) without making me bored half to death?! and no dumb ideas like make cupcakes out of her!!!
2) how in the hell do i feed her? it has no damn mouth, just a half smile drawn on with a sharpie!!!!!!
3) do i put her down for naps?
4) i am a VERY heavy sleeper, and i kick, scream, yell, talk, turn, and toss in my sleep, so where should i put selena to sleep while i am sleeping?!
5) how often do i change her diaper?
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