For this research, the following functional foodstuffs containing probiotic cultures were examined: the drinkable yogurt "Activia" (company Dannon, manufactured in Russia, settlement Lyuuchany) containing Bifidobacterium actiregularis; the drinkable yogurt "Dannon" (company Dannon, manufactured in Russia, settlement Lyuuchany) containing Lactobacillus casei; the drinkable yogurt "Imunele" (company Wimm -Bill- Dan, manufactured in Russia, city Moscow) containing Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus; and the children's porridge
"Pomogayka" (company Nestle, manufactured in Russia, city Moscow) containing Bifidobacterium sp. These probiotic products were stored at a temperature not exceeding 40C, following all conditions of proper storage.
For this research, the following functional foodstuffs containing probiotic cultures were examined: the drinkable yogurt "Activia" (company Dannon, manufactured in Russia, settlement Lyuuchany) containing Bifidobacterium actiregularis; the drinkable yogurt "Dannon" (company Dannon, manufactured in Russia, settlement Lyuuchany) containing Lactobacillus casei; the drinkable yogurt "Imunele" (company Wimm -Bill- Dan, manufactured in Russia, city Moscow) containing Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus; and the children's porridge
"Pomogayka" (company Nestle, manufactured in Russia, city Moscow) containing Bifidobacterium sp. These probiotic products were stored at a temperature not exceeding 40C, following all conditions of proper storage.
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