Please find the attached for your reference and arrangement.
Kindly note that the 3rd week there will move the temporary wall as of the plan attached.
On the 3rd week there will put on 28 old work station from the storage on level 10. So by 1 Sep. they should be placed.
The order of new QC’s chairs are 22 and will take time on ordering as 8 weeks counted from yesterday.
Ple, we need to prepare the spare chairs to be cleaned in case of these chairs are taking longer on delivery.
The new QC work stations will have a size 1 meter. Initially, there will have 61 seats for QC (included team leader and 1 QC manager). Lockers will have only 70 persons and the size is 40 cm.
K. A from Beamount will send us the quotation of PSM ( CCTV) so Jib has to be urgent on issuing the PO.