Seminar on Research and Publication
Quiz: How well prepared am I to begin research?
Student Researchers
1. Do you like asking questions and finding things out about other people and the world in which we live? Yes/No (attitude)
2. Do you like puzzles and games where you have to solve a problem, create an idea or invent a solution? Yes/No Give an example. (aptitude)
3. Do you speak more than one language? Yes/No. What language? (empathy)
4. Are you interested in helping friends that have had an accident, had bad luck or need your support in some way? Yes/No (human interest)
5. Have you ever benefited from a discovery or invention in medicine or pharmacology? Yes/No Which ones? (thankfulness)
6. Are you interested in stories or movies about an adventure, a crime or journey? Yes/No What examples do you have? (inquisitiveness)
7. Have you or any people in your family experienced being poor and destitute? Yes/No Give an example. (tolerance)
8. You are teacher and you want to collect the opinions of your students about environmental awareness, Devise three question (skill)
a. First Question
b. Second
c. Third