The study took place from December 2005–February 2006,
in a palliative care unit, in Athens, Greece. Patients suffering
from incurable cancer attended the unit, for pain relief and
cancer-related symptoms. Criteria for inclusion in the study
were: historically confirmed malignancy, age > 18 years,
ability to communicate effectively with the healthcare
professionals and patient’s informed consent. Patients were
excluded if there was a diagnosis of a psychotic illness, or
significant cognitive impairment. Patients were seen individually
either at outpatient clinics or on the wards. During that
period, 102 cancer patients attended the unit. Of these
patients, 20 (19Æ6%) did not complete the assessment forms,
either due to refusal or due to long distance and thus were
excluded from the study. The final sample consisted of 82
cancer patients. Participants were asked to complete the
Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale (SIBS) (Ellison &
Levin 1998). A demographic questionnaire obtained information
on the patient’s age, gender, marital status and
The study took place from December 2005–February 2006,in a palliative care unit, in Athens, Greece. Patients sufferingfrom incurable cancer attended the unit, for pain relief andcancer-related symptoms. Criteria for inclusion in the studywere: historically confirmed malignancy, age > 18 years,ability to communicate effectively with the healthcareprofessionals and patient’s informed consent. Patients wereexcluded if there was a diagnosis of a psychotic illness, orsignificant cognitive impairment. Patients were seen individuallyeither at outpatient clinics or on the wards. During thatperiod, 102 cancer patients attended the unit. Of thesepatients, 20 (19Æ6%) did not complete the assessment forms,either due to refusal or due to long distance and thus wereexcluded from the study. The final sample consisted of 82cancer patients. Participants were asked to complete theSpiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale (SIBS) (Ellison &Levin 1998). A demographic questionnaire obtained informationon the patient’s age, gender, marital status and
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