The foreign currency transactions of
foreign branches are accounted for in the same way as the transactions of the head office, in principle, with
the following exceptions:
► Income and expenses can be
translated at average rates for
the period.
The results and financial position of
foreign operations shall be translated into the presentation currency of the
reporting entity (after their
recognition in functional currency)
using the following method, provided
that the functional currency is not the currency of a hyperinflationary economy.
► Assets and liabilities for each
balance sheet presented shall be
Under certain conditions, the
closing rate at the date of the balance sheet can be used to
translated at the closing rate at
the date of that balance sheet.
translate all balance sheet items. ► Income and expenses for each
In this case, income and expenses
can also be translated at the same rate.
► The exchange differences arising
from the use of a translation
method other than that used by
head office are recognised as
exchange gains or losses in the income statement.
Assets and liabilities in foreign
subsidiaries and similar entities are translated into yen at the exchange
rates at the date of the balance sheet.
► Equity related items acquired by
the parent are translated at the
exchange rate at the time of the
acquisition and subsequently
acquired items are translated at the date of each transaction.
statement of comprehensive
income (income statement) shall
be translated at the exchange
rates at the dates of the
transactions. Average rates for
the period are often used if the exchange rates do not fluctuate significantly.
All resulting exchange
differences arising from the
above translations shall be
recognised as a separate component of equity.
► Revenue and expenses are
translated at average rates in
the period in principle, however
the closing rate at the date of the balance sheet can also be
used. Transactions with the
parent are translated using the
parent's exchange rate, any differences which arise are
recognised as exchange gains or losses in the income statement.
► Exchange differences are
recognised as a separate
component of equity.