Sufficiency economy is Philosophy At the Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej to give able can to have a stable existence and sustainable globalization and its transmitters in change. there is enough only and were ready to take the impact of changes. Which will rely on knowledge, careful and cautious.The sufficiency economy is balanced and sustainable living In order to be able to live even in the world of globalization competitive sufficiency economy ที่ทรง improve Royal is the source of the definition. 3 loop 2. "Mean, fit, no more and no less too. Don't hurt yourself and others, such as production and consumption in moderation, the realistic means to use the main reason for deciding things.As well as the anticipated results carefully, good immunity meant to get ready for the impacts arising from changes around them. These factors will occur, it will require knowledge and morality.The conditions of knowledge refers to knowledge, prudence and caution in the life and the work, the conditions of virtue. Is to hold the virtues such as honesty, patience, perseverance.All the applied philosophy, etc.