3. Results
3.1. Seed germination and seedling emergence
Rate of germination/emergence (1/T50) of the different ALVs increased linearly as temperature was raised up to the optimum at which maximum germination/emergence percentage was recorded and then decreased linearly as temperature was elevated further. The ALVs for which the 1/T50 for the two processes were calculated and their estimated cardinal temperatures are shown in Table 1. Optimum germination temperatures (Topt) ranged from 29 to 36 °C (Fig. 1), with C. olitorius (35 °C) and V. unguiculata (36 °C) recording higher optima than B. rapa subsp. chinensis (29 °C), A. cruentus (31 °C), C. lanatus (30 °C), C. gynandra (31 °C), and C. maxima (32 °C). Estimated Tmin values ranged from 8 °C for B. rapa subsp. chinensis and C. lanatus to 15 °C for C. gynandra.