“Seunghyun-ah” the older said softly, jiggling his shoulder slightly t การแปล - “Seunghyun-ah” the older said softly, jiggling his shoulder slightly t สโลวัก วิธีการพูด

“Seunghyun-ah” the older said softl

“Seunghyun-ah” the older said softly, jiggling his shoulder slightly to try and rouse the younger. But he was in too deep a sleep for that to work. He must be really tired then, the older thought to himself. He shifted slightly, making sure not to let the younger’s head drop off him, and grasped his thigh tightly. “Seunghyun-ah, wake up” he said more loudly and the younger made an almost-inaudible noise of disapproval. He was too comfortable to get up and too tired to be awake. The older simply chuckled and squeezed his dongsaeng’s thigh again, “Okay, we can just stay in and rest then.” The younger shook his head still resting on his hyung’s shoulder with eyes shut and murmured, “No let’s go out. But later.” Dongwook laughed and gave in, knowing rest would be good for the younger and it was still early enough that it wouldn’t hurt to wait a while longer before leaving.

Right as the younger was slipping off into dreamland once again, he felt his hyung shift and say, “At least let me move a bit, I’m tired of sitting like this.” The younger nodded and moved off slightly as his hyung shifted and dropped his head back down as soon as the older was settled comfortably, only to find it had now landed on his chest. The older instinctively took his hand off from the back of the couch and brushed off the younger’s hair from his forehead to let him know it was okay to rest on him, to which he responded with a gentle snore. The older smiled as he looked down and observed the profile of the head resting on his chest, admiring the strong jaw line and brows of the sleeping man. He didn’t even realize his slender fingers ever so lightly tracing along the jaw line of the younger, skin like satin underneath his own smooth fingertips, until the face shifted slightly on his chest and a small sigh escaped the younger’s lips. He quickly pulled his hand away, not wanting to wake him, smile still in place. He had so much affection for his dongsaeng.

Finally, after about another hour-and-a-half, he decided it was time to wake him. Placing his hand under that wonderfully defined jaw of his, he slightly lifted up the younger’s head and said, “Seunghyun-ah, time to get up now.” Seunghyun groggily opened his eyes and found himself looking up into his hyung’s face whose hand was still cradling his jaw. They simply looked into each other’s eyes for a few, quiet seconds until the older swiftly brushed the younger’s jaw as he made to remove his hand. Seunghyun reveled in the feeling of his hyung’s smooth fingers on his skin for a second before finally moving off him and sitting up straight. “Aish, I need to fix my hair now.” He pushed himself off the couch and walked to his bedroom as his hyung turned off the television and followed him in. The older stood next to him and checked his own appearance in the mirror, straightening out his clothes and fixing a few stray hairs. When he was done, he beamed over at the younger and said, “I’m ready when you are. Don’t fuss so much, you’ll look handsome regardless.”

“Aigoo you always say things like that,” responded the younger who tried to will the heat away from his face. “Well it’s because it’s true,” he cooed and he playfully pinched his cheek.


Dongwook burst into laughter at the younger’s reaction, who could no longer fight off the flush of his face, something that happened every time he pinched his cheeks. The younger smiled too and Dongwook beamed once again, always loving seeing those beautiful cheekbones jutting out especially when they were tinted pink. Finally, Seunghyun was ready to go and he turned to face his hyung. “Should I wear a necklace?” Dongwook turned to face the younger, who was closer to him than he expected, and took in his appearance. He carefully ran the collar of the younger’s blazer between his fingers and shook his head. “I don’t think you need it.” He placed both hands on his shoulders and looked him square in the eyes. “You do look very handsome, you know.” Seunghyun rolled his eyes but still smiled.

“You always say that.”

“Well, I mean it.” His tone was serious. It was a bit unnerving to Seunghyun, honestly.

“Well….thank you. It means a lot coming from a hyung who is very handsome himself.”

“Aigoo, you’re just saying that.”

“I’m not. You know you’re handsome.”

Dongwook smiled playfully and said, “You’re right. I am.” The two laughed and the older’s head dipped to rest on his hand, which was still atop the younger’s shoulder, as he laughed. After the laughter subsided, the older slowly brought up his head and the two felt another small jolt run through them as their cheeks came so close they almost brushed. This caused Dongwook to stop moving, leaving their cheeks side-to-side and creating a feel of intimacy in the atmosphere.

Seunghyun gulped and the older noticed which caused him to finally pull his head back slightly, only to find himself face-to-face with the younger in very close proximity. Seunghyun’s breath caught in his throat, as did Dongwook’s, and they both looked at each other. There were a few seconds of charged silence before Seunghyun cleared his throat, “Shall we call the company car then?” The older nodded slowly, still not breaking eye contact or moving away. Neither did Seunghyun.

A/N: Hello! My first author's note. (^-^) I just wanted to thank everyone who has read this and subscribed/commented. I'm still new to fanfiction so it's nice to get feedback! I'll try to update more regulary than I have been. Thanks and I hope you enjoy reading this!
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ผลลัพธ์ (สโลวัก) 1: [สำเนา]
"Seunghyun-ah" starší povedal ticho, vrtiace rameno mierne a Snaž sa prebudiť mladší. Ale on bol v príliš hlbokom spánku pre túto prácu. Musí byť naozaj unavená potom staršie myslel na seba. Posunutý mierne, uistite sa, že nech mladší je hlava odídu, a pevne uchopil jeho stehná. "Seunghyun-Ach, wake up" povedal viac hlasno a mladší sa takmer nepočuteľný hluk nesúhlas. Bol príliš pohodlný vstať a príliš unavený na to byť ostražití. Staršie jednoducho zasmial a stláčal jeho dongsaeng stehná znova, "Dobre, môžeme len pobyt v a zvyšok potom." Mladší potriasol hlavou stále odpočíva na jeho hyung rameno s očami zavrel a reptali, "nie, ideme von. Ale neskôr." Dongwook sa zasmial a dal, vedel, zvyšok by bolo dobré pre mladšie, a to bolo ešte skoro dosť, že nechcel ublížiť počkajte chvíľu pred odchodom. Právo, ako mladší bol pošmyknutia vypnutie do zasněnost opäť, cítil jeho hyung posun a povedať, "aspoň mi nedovolí ísť trochu, som unavený posedenie takhle." Mladší prikývol a rozbehlo mierne, ako jeho hyung posunul a sklopil hlavu späť nadol, ako starší bol ponorený, len aby zistil, teraz ju pristál na hrudi. Staršie inštinktívne sundal ruku zo zadu gauč a oprášil mladší vlasy z čela dať mu najavo, že to bolo v poriadku na neho, na ktoré on odpovedal s jemným chrápanie. Starší sa usmial, ako on sa pozrel dole a pozorovať profil hlavu položenú na jeho hrudi, obdivoval silnú čeľusť a obočie spiaceho muža. On si ani neuvedomil, jeho štíhle prsty, niekedy tak ľahko vysledovať pozdĺž čeľuste mladší, kože, ako satén pod jeho vlastné hladké ruky, kým tvár trochu posunutý na jeho hrudi a malý povzdych unikol mladší pery. Rýchle vytiahol ruku preč, nechcel ho prebudiť, úsmev stále na svojom mieste. On mal toľko lásky pre jeho dongsaeng. Nakoniec, po o inú hodinu-a-a-pol, on rozhodol je čas prebudiť ho. Uvádzanie ruke pod ktoré nádherne definované čeľuste jeho, sa mierne zdvihol mladší na hlavu a povedal: "Seunghyun-Ach, čas sa dostať až teraz." Seunghyun groggily otvoril oči a ocitol hľadá jeho hyung tvár, ktorého ruka bola stále držaní jeho čeľuste. Jednoducho vyzerali do seba očami pre pár, tiché sekúnd, kým starší rýchlo brúsený mladší čeľusť, ako on robil odstrániť ruku. Seunghyun vychutnávala pocit jeho hyung hladké prsty na svoje kožné sekundy pred nakoniec pohybujúce sa od neho a sedieť rovno. "Aish, potrebujem opraviť moje vlasy teraz." Odrazil od gauči a chodil do jeho spálne, ako jeho hyung vypnutý television a za ním v. Staršie stáli vedľa neho a kontroluje jeho vlastný vzhľad v zrkadle, narovnávanie svoje oblečenie a stanovenia niekoľkých zblúdilých chĺpky. Keď bol urobil, on žiaril cez mladší a povedal: "som pripravený v režime. Nepoužívajte povyku, toľko, budete vyzerať pekný bez ohľadu na to. "Aigoo vždy hovoria veci ako, že," reagoval mladší, ktorí sa snažili sa teplo z jeho tváre. "No to je, pretože je to pravda," on zavrněl a on hravo zovrel jeho tvár. "Jo!" Dongwook prepukol v smiech v mladších reakcie, ktorí by mohli už zahnať flush jeho tvár, niečo, čo sa stalo zakaždým, keď mu zovrel jeho tváre. Mladší usmial sa taky a Dongwook sa rozžiaril, opäť, a to vždy milovať vidieť tie krásne lícnych kostí vyčnievajúcich najmä keď boli tónované ružové. Napokon Seunghyun bol pripravený ísť a on sa otočil čelom jeho hyung. "By mali nosiť náhrdelník?" Dongwook sa otočil čelom, mladší, kto bol bližšie k nemu, ako sa očakávalo, a vzal v jeho vzhľad. Starostlivo rozbehol golier mladší sako medzi prstami a zavrtel hlavou. "Nemyslím si, že ju budete potrebovať." Položil obe ruky na ramená a pozrela sa mu v očiach. "Vyzeráš veľmi pekný, viete." Seunghyun valcované jeho oči, ale stále sa usmial. "Vždy povedať, že.""No, mám na mysli to." Jeho tón bol vážny. Bolo to trochu znervózňovalo Seunghyun, úprimne."No... ďakujem. To znamená veľa prichádza od hyung, ktorý je veľmi pekný sám.""Aigoo, ste práve povedal, že.""Nie som. Viete, že ste pekný.Dongwook hravo sa usmial a povedal: "Máš pravdu. Som." Dvaja sa zasmial a staršie hlavu ponoril k odpočinku na jeho strane, ktorá bola stále na vrchole mladší rameno, ako on sa smial. Po smiech ustúpila, staršie pomaly vychovaný hlavu a dva cítil ďalšie malé skokov, beh cez ne, ako ich tváre prišiel tak blízko, že takmer zrazil. Príčinou Dongwook zastaviť sťahovanie, takže ich tváre-na-boku a vytvára pocit intimity v atmosfére. Seunghyun prehltol a starší si všimol, ktorý prinútil ho, aby konečne vytiahnuť hlavu späť mierne, len sa ocitol tvárou v tvár s mladší vo veľmi tesnej blízkosti. Dych Seunghyun je chytený v krku, ako to Dongwook to, a obaja sa pozrel na seba navzájom. Tam boli pár sekúnd nabité ticha pred Seunghyun zbaví jeho krku, "Hovoríme spoločnosť auto potom?" Staršie prikývol pomaly, stále nie lámanie očný kontakt alebo vzďaľujú. Ani Seunghyun. A / N: Hello! Môj prvý autor poznámky. (^-^) Len som chcel poďakovať všetkým, kto má čítať tento a pripojila komentoval. Som stále nový pocit, tak je to pekné získať spätnú väzbu! Budem sa snažiť aktualizovať viac pravidelne, ako tomu bolo. Vďaka a dúfam, že vás baví čítanie tohto!
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