i have tried to call you many times now to clear up this mess and you not answer anything. This is why i like to talk on the phone and not msg back and forth, so to try and clear any misunderstandings. I like you and i like to know you more. I understand everything about why you keep up apperance on social media and dont want to lose face and i accept and respect that. I have not and will never contact you ex, why would i do that, i dont know him, i dont know who he is or even how to contact him and i dont give a shit about him or about anything he would have to say, to me he dont exist, i only care about what you have to say. About your videos etc, like i have said before that is a personal and privat thing for you, so if you want to share that with me its up to you and when you feel ready, its not something you have to show me to prove anything or justify anything. If i have questions i ask you and then i believe what you tell me. The only thing that interest me is you and to make sure you never have to experience anything like that again and to give you the life and love you deserve and are treated good and right. I hope you understand and that this clear up any misunderstandings, because i would like to move on and use my time getting to know you, not using my time to clear things that are totally absurd and crazy, like me contacting your worthless ex, why would i waste my time on uneducated, braindead, white trash, lowlife people like him and why would you even believe anything he say to you. So contact me if your ready to move on with someone who understand, respect and accept you, someone who protect you, not hurt you, someone who stand by you, not abandon you, someone who fix problems with words, not violence and some one who have and IQ higher than a monkey.