Next to emulation, the greatest encourager of the noble arts is praise and glory. A writer is
animated with new force, when he hears the applauses of the world for his former productions;
and, being roused by such a motive, he often reaches a pitch of perfection, which is equally
surprizing to himself and to his readers. But when the posts of honour are all occupied, his first
attempts are but coldly received by the public; being compared to productions, which are both in
themselves more excellent, and have already the advantage of an established reputation. Were
MOLIERE*59 and CORNEILLE to bring upon the stage at present their early productions,
which were formerly so well received, it would discourage the young poets, to see the
indifference and disdain of the public. The ignorance of the age alone could have given
admission to the Prince of TYRE; but it is to that we owe the Moor: Had Every man in his
humour been rejected, we had never seen VOLPONE.*60