Hadhrat
Khubayb
.~~
Receives
Grapes
from
Unseen
Sources
when
he
was
Held
Prisoner
After
she
had
accepted
Islaam,
Hadhrat
Maawiyya
~
the
freed
slave
of
Hujayr
bin
Abu
Ihaab
reports,
"When
Khubayb
®.~
was
held
prisoner
in
our
house
(in
Makkah),
once
peeped
at
him
through
a
crack
in
the
door
and
saw
that
he
was
eating
from
a
bunch
of
grapes
that
was
the
size
of
a
head.
This
was
at
a
time
when
knew
that
grapes
could
not
be
had
anywhere."
(1)