The first decade of the 21st century has ushered in a wit changing wmnventions technology, period of galloping so fast that it's difficult to keep up. A good example of this Spa unheard-of before the 1990s, An is the ebook, something ebook is a book in electronic form. It doesn't have pages you turn like an ordinary book. Instead, it is read on your fo computer screen or printed out on your printer. Reading your favourite novel online, or even leafing through the pages of a newspaper by simply pressing a button is now a reality. Although to the previous generation a book was th something made of paper that you found on bookshelves, there were other forms available such as the audio book n Now that which became very popular in the 1980s. the computer market is well and truly booming, the a electronic book makes for yet another approach to reading. Perhaps the single biggest advantage of electronic. books is that they are easily transported. No longer is it necessary to carry a bag weighted down with a plle of paper volumes. You purchase the ebook of your choice and there are literally thousands of titles available and either download it onto your laptop or copy it to a CD or