In current research Papaya can be minimally processed by
hurdle technology and their shelf life can be extended by the
combined effect of blanching, osmotic dehydration and the
use of preservatives which can be packed in polyethylene
(HDPE). From the results it was revealed that the higher values
of solution concentration resulted in higher flow of water
and solids and loss of weight through the Papaya slices. Microbiological
study showed the acceptable level for TPC, yeast
& mold, growth to the all dilutions. Coliform and Salmonella
were not detected in any of the sample during storage. From
color measurement it was showed that an increase in yellowness
(b*) coordinate and a decrease in lightness (L*) and
redness (a*) was achieved as the sucrose concentration increased.
Finally, from texture analysis it was found that osmosed
samples were considerably softer than untreated samples
and force increases as sugar concentration increases. A shelf
life of 30 days is observed, which was microbiologically and
organoleptically stable at refrigerated temperature.