2.2.7. Protein analysis
The concentration of protein was determined by Lowry’s
method, (Lowry et al., 1951; Wilson and Walker, 2000). Using
a set of nine test tubes blank (A), standard casein solution (B–
F) and the sample (G–I) add 3 ml of Reagent C {(Reagent
C = 100 parts of Reagent A + 1 part of Reagent B). Reagent
A = 2% Na2
+ 0.4 NaOH + 0.16% sodium potassium
tartarate + 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Reagent
B = (4% CuSO4Æ5H2
O make up to ml)} and 0.3 ml of Folin–Ciocalteu Reagent, let it stand for 45 min, read absorbance
at 660 nm (use tube as blank), and plot the standard curve.