Zoos have many large animals, such as lions, elephants, and cheetahs. Many people think large animals should be in the wild - not zoos. Some of these people even have a plan - sending the animals into the wild. Sending animals into the wild is called "rewilding."
Today, you'll find most large wild animals in Africa and Asia. But these species are in danger of dying out. Thousands of years ago, large wild animals lived in North America and Europe, too. Rewilders want to bring the animals back to these places. They believe it will keep the animals from disappearing. They also think that large animals can help keep ecosystems healthy. Ecosystems will have more varied kinds of living things.
Not everyone agrees with rewilding. Farmers in Scotland worry that wolves will kill their sheep. Others think scientists need to do more research. Does rewilding really help the environment? Could it be dangerous for people or animals?
What do you think? Will rewilding help or hurt animals and the environment?